Sunday, July 15, 2012

Club juggling practise video

After the practise session with Keisuke yesterday, I learnt a lot of tips from him.
It is always the best to learn from an experience juggler.
I benefit a lot from this juggling session with him.
For those who missed it, too bad for you!

Saturday, July 14, 2012

New promo video in UV light

Today I met Keisuke from Japan, he is a great Juggler!

Today Keisuke came to my juggling shop and we went to practise together at Bishan CC.
He taught me a few club juggling moves and he also gave me some very good tips on club juggling!

I began to like club juggling more!!!
By the way, I just bought 3 new PX3 clubs! :D

I'm super inspired now! :D

Friday, July 13, 2012

Its been a long time since i update my blog!

I am working on a new gloving routine for my coming performance on 20th July.
I'll post it up here!

I will go busking tonight at Clarke Quay. Hope the weather will be fine and I hope to do 3 shows!