Thursday, January 17, 2013

Part 2 of what I've learn in 2012

Part 2 I am going to share with you guys my experience of the Child's Play Juggling Festival that we produced.

As I've mention in the previous post, 2012 was a fresh year for me.
I am starting back from "zero"and thats why I think its a great chance for me to try out new things and organising a Juggling Festival is a dream that I always wanted to do.

We (Me and my gf aka my boss) had this festival idea on Feb 2012.
Once we set our mind to do it, we decided there is no turning back.
We didn't ask for any funding for this festival as we would like to keep it as "pure" as possible. We want to make it a pure juggling festival.
That was our worst mistake. We used up all our savings for this festival. (Around $12k - $15k)

Beside spending all the time, money and effort to organise the festival,
I am personally very disappointed by the local jugglers / spinners community.
Many people knows about the festival but they are not supportive of it.

This festival also had a big problem as it clash with another festival on the same day.

I am ok with the date clash as my idea of a juggling festival is different from theirs.
But something makes me feel very sad is that they invite my artist to join their gathering without informing me....
When Okotanpe showed me the sms, my heart sank.
(I'll never forget this!)

So what have I learnt from this festival?
1) People are only nice to you when you are useful to them.
2) Don't expect people to support you even though you've been supporting them.
3) People are selfish.

Even though this may not be the best festival but we are still happy with the result.
We got great supports from people coming from Malaysia, Philippines, Taiwan and Japan to attend our festival. Not forgeting our kind volunteers from "Diabolo Art", my ex students from Grace Orchard school and my best friends Calvin and gf, Eugene and Nicholas for their help!

This year 2013 we are still deciding whether to continue the festival or not.
It is definately fulfilling to run a juggling festival but it is really too tiring.
And with the 12k, we can go for a tour . Not trying to oragnise a festival and hopefully can benefit the local jugglers.

I think I am starting to give up in the local juggling scene.

I have a few good friends to practise with and I am happy with it. :)

Sunday, January 13, 2013

What have I learnt in 2012 as a Performer

2012 has been interesting year for me as I took up a lot of challenges.

In 2012, 2 of the biggest decisions I have made were:

1) I set up a new company
2) I produced a Juggling Festival

1) Setting up a company was a tough decision. I am happy that I did it. It makes my life easier and happier. Not financially happier but emotionally.
As a performer, our job is not secured. We don't know how much we can earn in a month and we don't know when will we have shows. We are constantly waiting for opportunities to come. When I am working in a company, I have to wait for them to offer me job. Waiting is not the way I want to live my life. I want to do something about my life, I don't want my life to be controlled by a company. Below are the pros and cons of working as a official freelance performer or self employed performer.

1) You get more money, no more getting pay cut by the company.
2) You get to work for anybody, no more company restriction.
3) You get direct contact with the client.
4) You can plan your own working schedule.
5) You feel more sense of achievement.
6) You don't have to wait for the company to give you job.
7) You have more control to your life.
8) You can make a name for yourself. Give out your own namecard, not the company you working for.
9) You have more opportunities. When you are in a company, when a good opportunity is being offered to the company, you have to wait for the boss to pass it to you or your colleagues. (chances are the boss will get the job)

1) You need to spend a lot of money to buy the props.
2) You will have more enemy or lesser friends.
3) You need to do more work. eg. going for meetings, sending emails etc...
4) You need to look for jobs

So far these are a few pros and cons that I've think of.

Lastly, I would like to thank my ex boss and ex colleagues for their guidance. Without them I wouldn't be here today too!

PS. I just prefer to work for myself

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Buskers Movie

I greatly recommend everyone to watch this documentary!
It a great show about what street performers do and what do they think about their job.

It does inspired me to work harder as I know there are a lot of people out there who thinks like us.

Below is the short clip from youtube, please enjoy... ^ ^

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

What happen last week?

The last post was about me taking part in the night festival busking competition.
And the result is............................

I came in Top 3!!! (Yeah!!!!! Whoooo hooooo!!!)

After 3 rounds of competition (voting by the audience) I manage to get into top 3!
The competition ends after the Top 3 result was out and we did a 30 mins showcase performance at Cathy @ Handy Road on last Saturday 1/09/12.

Sunday 02/02/12, I did a performance for an event at Yishun Ring Road. I like to perform for the heart landers! :)

After the stressful 2 weekends on busking competition and performance, I took a break and went to catch Sentosa Buskers Festival on Monday 3/9/12 and yesterday 5/9/12!!!

All the performers are great!!!
I am inspired by them!!! I'll continue to work harder so that I can be as good as them!!!

I've not been busking for 2 weeks.
Tomorrow I'll try busking again at Clarke Quay.

Hope everything will be good!

Take care people
See you soon!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Singapore Night Festival 2012

This year at Singapore Night Festival 2012, there is a busking competition.
I am participating in the contest.

The first day is on 24th Sept 2012, 8pm - 11pm.

Besides busking contest, there are also many arts installation around.

Below is the video of the preview, enjoy! :)

Monday, August 20, 2012

Last weekend was fun!

Friday I did street shows.
Saturday afternoon I performed at Bishan Home for the intellectually disabled patients.
Saturday and Sunday night I did street shows at clarke quay.

It was tiring but the audience are great!!! :)
Below are the photos, please enjoy!!!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Busy Weekend

Weekend is working days for performers.
Street performers like me will need to work extra hard on weekend so that we can rest and practise on monday to thursday.

Today is friday, I'm in the office now.
There will be customers coming to buy diabolos and yoyos.
Tonight I'll try to perform at clarke quay central.
Hope it'll have good weather and good crowd.
